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По мере того формирования импульса цена будет делать меньшие откаты. В этих случаях индикатор скользящей средней зачастую превращается в надежный уровень поддержки или сопротивления. Большинство трейдеров, как правило, используют долгосрочные скользящие средние с периодами 100 и 200. Две самых популярных разновидности МА – простая скользящая средняя (SMA) так и экспоненциальная скользящая средняя (EMA). Поведение цены на уровне долгосрочных скользящих средних, безусловно, является ценной информацией, которую следует принимать во внимание.

Сглаженная скользящая средняя

Для изменения скорости реакции скользящей на изменение цены используется период сглаживания. Он учитывает количество баров, по которым рассчитывается среднее значение. Например, таймфрейм H1 – каждый бар соответствует одному часу, поэтому MA c периодом 24, будет отображать среднее выровненное значение цен за  24 часа, то есть за сутки. На старших таймфреймах, как правило, ложные сигналы возникают реже. Стоит также отметить, что на разных таймфреймах может быть разное значение. Например, на D1 тренд восходящий, а на часовом графике H1 падающий.

Как применять Moving average в торговле на рынке Форекс

Но среди самых простых, полезных, безопасных и распространенных индикаторов в трейдинге выделяют скользящие средние. Далее описана их необходимость в трейдинге и особенности применения разных видов скользящих средних в торговой стратегии. При желании можно настроить разные периоды для этих скользящих средних форекс стратегия 2 + 2 и проверить, какая комбинация окажется для вас лучше. Чем меньше разница между периодами двух средних, тем чаще они будут пересекаться, но тем ниже будет вероятность, что пересечение действительно означает смену тренда. Прогнозы по MA и EMA, как и по любому индикатору, сбываются не в 100% случаев.

Примеры торговых стратегий по индикатору Moving Averages

Период должен быть не слишком длинным — чрезмерное количество ложных сигналов не должно вас пугать. А уровни должны выступать в роли линий поддержки и сопротивления. Итак, с помощью индикатора вы сможете распознать тренд и торговать в нем. На графике Moving Average выглядит, как простая волнистая линия, отражающая колебания цен и демонстрирующая тренды. Внешний вид графика будет зависеть от того, как настроить Moving Average. Чем больший период выбирает трейдер, тем более гладким и плавным будет график.

Пример индикатора

При каждом новом подходе цены к мувингу, активизируются быки, тем самым помогая цене двигаться все выше и выше. Скользящая средняя используется в массе торговых стратегий и даже является основой многих индикаторов. В этой части, расскажу об имеющихся настройках, а как их будете применять вы, дело сугубо личное. На следующем этапе, следует настроить по своему усмотрению индикатор moving average.

Покупать актив выгоднее в момент приближения цены к уровню любой из скользящих средних. Всем доброго вечера, сегодня будем строить свои конспирологические теории на основе технического анализа. Начнём с того, что любой анализ возможен только в том случае, если анализируемые данные не искажены. Если анализировать ложь или искаженную информацию, то и сделать корректные выводы на этой основе практически невозможно. Перед тем, как начать торговлю на собственные деньги необходимо правильно протестировать свою торговую систему. Во время бычьих трендов всегда появляется много рекламы и блогеров, продающих свою торговую система которая приносит сотни процентов в месяц.

Популярные вопросы об индикаторе скользящее среднее

ТС работает на любом таймфрейме, но рекомендуется использовать ее для краткосрочной торговли на графиках М15-Н1. Индикатор SMA можно использовать со всеми торговыми инструментами. Например, индикатор SMA будет работать на фондовом рынке так же хорошо, как и на рынке Форекс. ⚠️ Важно не забывать о том, что исторические данные не могут точно предсказать будущие значения.

Но при этом следует учитывать, что количество ложных сигналов также возрастает. Эта скользящая была разработана для обеспечения более плавного перехода от одного таймфрейма к другому. Снижение веса показателей цены по мере их удаления решает проблему простой МА, в которой отбрасывание последнего значения может оказать на индикатор большее влияние, чем добавление нового. В результате линия с тем же периодом получается более плавной и приближенной к графику, а ее сигналы меньше зависят от больших, но уже устаревших значений. Простая скользящая средняя (Simple moving average) представляет собой линию, построенную на точках, координаты которых рассчитываются как простое среднее арифметическое предыдущих значений цены. Чем больше период (количество значений, учитываемых при расчете), тем более сглаженной и отдаленной от графика цены получается скользящая средняя.

Сам по себе MA не идеальный, но с успехом используется как с другими индикаторами, например, Фибоначчи, так и во многих торговых системах. Ознакомится с перечнем стратегий на скользящих средних. Технический анализ насчитывает тысячи разнообразных индикаторов.

Добавьте уровни в настройках, они находятся на второй вкладке. Часто трейдеры добавляют симметричные уровни сверху и снизу — для этого нужно ввести положительные и отрицательные числа, одинаковые по модулю. Рассмотрим пример построения линий на 15-минутном графике фьючерса на индекс Nikkei. Но для разных инструментов нужно подбирать длину скользящей средней опытным путем.

Для расчета следующего значения 5-периодичной МА нужно отбросить 1.2 и добавить в формулу цену закрытия на отметке, следующей за 1.6. На практике Moving Average редко используют в одиночку. МА широко используется профессиональными трейдерами — они ценят этот индикатор за простоту, гибкость настройки и наглядность.

  1. В каждой точке значение МА – это усредненный показатель цены за определенный временной период.
  2. Простая скользящая средняя – самая популярная из все категорий МА, на ее основе построено множество стратегий.
  3. Способов торговли по скользящей множество, но основные – это использование ее как линию тренда, как линию поддержки/сопротивления и торговля на пересечении двух скользящих и более.
  4. На графике она выглядит как изгибающаяся линия, повторяющая движение цены, но более плавно.

Напротив, если трейдер выбрал маленький период, то график будет делать мелкие частые скачки. О том, как настроить Moving Average и его периоды, мы подробно поговорим ниже. Положение скользящей средней цены на графике помогает определить тренд и четко увидеть, когда он заканчивается.


Их пристальное изучение отмечает отсутствие мелких деталей, сопровождающих реальные отзывы. Судя по отзывам реальных клиентов, пройти регистрацию очень легко. Номинальный размер комиссии не оглашается, а продолжительность обработки заявки на вывод определяется индивидуально. Однако у «Группы ЛСР» на Урале он теперь равняется 800 млн руб. Во всех счетах на 770xcritical только мгновенное исполнение ордеров.

Брокер 770capital: обзор и отзывы о компании

При выборе брокера ориентируйтесь на его рейтинг на сайте, время работы на рынке, соотношение положительных и отрицательных отзывов, репутацию среди трейдеров. Я был очень доволен каждым аспектом моего опыта работы с 770capital. У них отличная платформа, и их служба поддержки клиентов всегда оперативно выполняет любые запросы и значительно превосходит ожидания. Решение работать на финансовой бирже, должно начаться с выбора брокера. Современных платформ, предоставляющих услуги торговли ценными буками, валютой и прочим – множество. К примеру, о брокерской компании 770capital многие слышали, но для более детального изучения следует ознакомиться с отзывами.

Права клиентов в документах

При обзоре мы не опирались на отзывы трейдеров, в которых очень много негатива. Но даже в этом случае нам не удалось найти ни одной причины, по которой мы могли бы рекомендовать эту контору. Юридическая регистрация фирмы реализована в островном государстве Малых Антильских островов. Совсем недавно, а точнее 1 июля 2020 года, милая девушка позвонила и предложила мне рассказать о компании 770capital.

Основная информация о брокере 770capital

Наша Онлайн платформа является инновационной и передовой разработкой этот продукт опережает свое время. Начнем наш отзыв о 770Capital с подробного изучения портала брокера. При внимательном анализе официального сайта видно, что на нем присутствуют недостоверные данные. Например, информация о партнерах компании является тупой ложью, так как ни «Bankir.Ru», ни информационный портал «Вести Экономика» не сотрудничают с этими аферистами. Торговля бинарными опционами – это хорошая возможность улучшить свое финансовое состояние. Кстати, брокеры очень часто добавляют себе солидности, приписывая лишних 5-6 лет к своей истории.

Факты о компании

Позвонила девочка сказала что из 770 capital вешала мне откровенную лапшу на уши. Проблема заключается в том, что не совсем понятно, в какой компании инвестор открывает счет? Так как формально на одно юридическое лицо оформлено два разных бренда. Естественно, такая структура является весьма сомнительной.

  1. Они не мошенничают ни с одним клиентом, насколько мне известно, расскажите им о своих проблемах и это обязательно будет решено.
  2. После работы с 770capital очень неоднозачные ощущения.
  3. Отзывы о форексе очень разные, и мне кажется, что те трейдеры, которые не смогли найти себя в этой области, оказываются недовольными.
  4. К тому же не до конца понятно, какая именно компания управляет брокером.

Правдивы ли негативные отзывы о 770xcritical

Сегодня 770capital — одна из ведущих торговых компаний на рынке Forex. «9 августа 2017 года мне позвонила некая Анастасия Джонсон, сотрудница брокерской компании 770 капитал. Она предложила мне дополнительный источник дохода путем вкладывания моего капитала в их деятельность на бирже, убедив меня в том, что они заинтересованы в прибыли, т.к. Сказала, что мне нужно поторопиться, так как в таком случае у них будет бонус на 500$, к которому они добавят еще 500$.

apital: обзор и отзывы

Это типичное мошенничество, цель которого — выжать из трейдеров все до копейки. Что делать оставить средства им и не передавать персональные данные дабы небыло возможности составаить липовый документ на кредитные обязательства. Или для вывода средств не обязательно паспорт, карта сохранена в личном аккаунте на сайте. «Мы строго соблюдаем законы и всегда выполняем наши обязательства перед дольщиками. Уверен, что в Екатеринбурге увеличить уставной капитал смогут далеко не все строительные компании.

Отзывы о 770capital говорят, что у него нет ни российской регистрации, ни лицензии. Персональный финансовый аналитик доступен на всех счетах, кроме «Mini». Торговля контрактами на разницу цен (CFD) с использованием маржи и кредитного плеча сопряжена со значительными рисками. Эти финансовые инструменты могут принести как прибыль, так и убытки. Прежде чем приступить к торговле, настоятельно рекомендуем вам тщательно обдумать свои цели, оценить уровень опыта и приемлемый уровень риска. Вы можете потерять значительную часть или все инвестиции, поэтому не должны инвестировать средства, которые не можете позволить себе потерять.

В этом случае транзакция обрабатывается в течение 3-х рабочих дней. В сфере брокерских услуг торговая марка 770 Capital малоизвестна. Однако куда больше можно рассказать об управляющей компании – о Maxi Services LTD, которой также принадлежит бренд MaxiMarkets. На официальном сайте брокера видно, что вся документация оформлена именно на управляющую фирму. Функционал МТ4 содержит 54 индикатора, более десятка готовых советников и несколько рабочих скриптов. К сожалению, БК не предоставляет трейдерам демо счет.

От 50 процентов для счета Мини до 150 процентов для счета Платиновый. Как указало общество в своей жалобе, доход возникает только в том случае, если сумма полученных средств превышает размер ранее внесенного вклада. А Усову икскритикал мошенники выплатили меньше, чем он внес в 2011 году. 22 сентября дело рассмотрела «тройка» под председательством Юрия Иваненко. 770 капитал Сам кассатор на заседание не пришел, судья-докладчик Марина Пронина огласила жалобу общества.

Сегодня мы решили рассказать про компанию 770Capital, которая зарегистрирована в офшоре и позиционирует себя в качестве «транснационального брокера». На самом деле это обыкновенные мошенники, нагло ворующие деньги своих клиентов с помощью разнообразных уловок. Поэтому пришло время вывести кидал из 770Capital на чистую воду. Несмотря на то, что основная валюта 770xcritical — это американский доллар, брокер поддерживает переводы в евро и рублях. Правда такого на практике не произошло и мне все заработанное выплатили, но я к тому, что существует некий потолок заработка по ПП, который желательно не превышать. Практически все брокеры там зарегистрированы, так что несильно ты удивил.

Обозреваемый дилинговый центр 770capital ориентируется на клиентов из региона СНГ. Потом уже устроил разбор полетов с брокером, но выбить ничего не вышло, «они гнут своб беспроигрышную линию» и считают себя «намбер ван». На страницах официального сайта брокера отсутствует информация о действующей лицензии.

Это повышает вероятность клиринга со стороны брокера. Ведь плавающие формируются за счет разницы цен покупателей и продавцов активов, которые торгуют через поставщиков ликвидности. А если их нет и сделки проходят внутри брокера, ему удобнее самостоятельно контролировать котировки инструментов.

Понадобится перейти в личный кабинет, где осуществить пополнение с соблюдением значения порога вхождения. Место регистрации управляющей компании Maxi Services Ltd – Сент-Винсент и Гренадины. Это известная оффшорная зона, но не спешите паниковать. Несмотря на множество положительных отзывов в интернете, существует огромный пласт людей, которые определяют 770capital как мошенников. Довольно много человек потеряли по вине компании свои средства.


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Likewise, companies can use offshore accounts to reduce or eliminate taxes in certain situations. For example, if a Singapore company remits foreign-earned income to a bank account in Singapore, they have to pay tax. But, if that same company keeps foreign-earned income in an offshore account and never remits it to Singapore, that tax is eliminated.

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Hire a tax law expert in the offshore country to navigate tricky compliance formalities. To avoid such miscommunication, offshore teams should hire multilingual staff who can clearly communicate with their global clients. Here are some major limitations of offshoring your accounting needs to an external service provider. In an offshore team setup, most of the work, like transferring accounting data and recording data, is done online. And that’s why data breach is one of the primary concerns for many business owners looking to offshore their company’s accounting function. You can rest assured that your information is held with great care, by offshoring accounting and bookkeeping functions to globally qualified chartered accountants.

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Strategy 7: Consider A Local Manager

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For example, offshore accounting firms in India work in a controlled environment with tight security measures to safeguard their clients’ information. They adhere to international standards and data privacy laws in the West and their own country while executing standard methods according to worldwide norms. One of the major reasons for recruiting an offshore accounting firm is to save money. After all, if they are more expensive than an in-house team, you should reconsider outsourcing your accounting service. Start by researching reputable offshore accounting service providers that have a proven track record of delivering accurate and reliable financial services.

Financial Risks

Those who do go offshore do business, open bank accounts, or hold investments anywhere overseas. Offshore trading involves opening and maintaining a brokerage or trading account with an offshore investment firm. These accounts are generally opened in the name of a holding company rather than an individual. Trading this way provides investors with favorable tax treatment, which puts more money back into their pockets.

We love helping businesses augment existing teams or streamline growth with the top 1% of professionals located in Latin America. is a dedicated platform that offers full-service virtual accounting and bookkeeping. Specializing solely in accounting, it provides businesses with comprehensive financial management solutions, including bookkeeping, controller services, and advisory everything you need to know about your security deposit services. One main challenge of offshore accounting is that there can be significant time zone differences between your internal operations and the service provider. This can lead to delays in communication and elongate response times for resolving urgent issues, potentially hindering real-time decision-making. Accounting is a complex field requiring accuracy, full attention, and experience.

The two countries can produce high-class, educated, and experienced accountants that can help handle their client’s finances. Employers get to hire global talent that is suitable for the role they need at a quarter of a local talent’s cost. Businesses have the option to hire accounting services in-house, but often, this can be overly expensive and involve too much management oversight.

India has been a hub for outsourcing services for many years, and bookkeeping is no exception. With a population of over 1.3 billion people, India has a massive workforce that is well-versed in offshoring services. The country is home to some of the world’s most prestigious business schools, which means that the country’s workforce has a strong foundation in accounting and finance principles.

During oral arguments, both sides raised several arguments based on existing case law, particularly Eisner v. Macomber. There, the question was whether a distribution of additional stock to all existing shareholders was taxable income. In that case, the answer was no, with the Court finding that there was no change in the value of the shareholders’ total stock holdings in the corporation before and after the stock distribution. In 2018, the Moores learned that they were subject to a mandatory repatriation tax, or MRT, under the 2017 tax reform law (sometimes referred to as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, or TCJA).

This framework ensures that bookkeepers in Brazil adhere to strict guidelines and professional standards, providing businesses with confidence in the quality and reliability of their services. Also, the country has a large and dynamic economy with a thriving startup scene, which has helped to cultivate a highly skilled and educated workforce. Before going into where to find your ideal, let’s discuss some of the most common roles firms are hiring offshore. Tax season is always stressful, but it becomes unmanageable when you’re understaffed.

Offshore accounts are perfectly legal as long as they are not used for illicit activities. As a result, you must disclose to your nation’s taxing authority any offshore accounts you have. Investing in equipment and infrastructure can help boost your company’s productivity.

As the “Switzerland of Asia,” Singapore attracts investors, businesses, and wealthy clients from across the region. We share specific steps on how to navigate private banking fees in our premium report, Private Banking Secrets — only available to GlobalBanks Insiders in the membership area. Additionally, when applying for an offshore account in Liechtenstein, analyze the fees carefully. Fees in Liechtenstein can be significantly higher than in other countries and have the potential to offset the benefits that you’d otherwise derive from the offshore account. To learn more about Offshore Banking in the Isle of Man, read our article on Isle of Man Offshore Banking below.


how does ketamine kill you

Clinicians should also maintain familiarity with street names for ketamine. No person with alcohol abuse disorder or alcohol intoxication should take ketamine, even in doctor-prescribed doses, as it can cause death. Both alcohol and ketamine are central nervous system depressants, so the combined effects are dangerous. One tough truth about mood disorder is that not all forms may ever be curable.

What does it feel like to take ketamine?

Varley plans to continue working on ketamine and other hallucinogenic drugs. Blister packs of Ketamine lozenges are seen at Field Trip, the psychedelic therapy clinic in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on August 28, 2020. In hopes of better understanding ketamine’s Point A to Point B journey, Varley and his colleagues analyzed differences in the brains of macaques when they were on propofol compared to ketamine. One type is the NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptor, which functions as a tiny gate on the neuron’s surface that can open and close. When glutamate binds to it, the gate opens and ions rush in, increasing the probability it will fire. “Some patients and some practitioners prefer the IV administration to the intranasal administration.

After effects

“Like all anesthetics, ketamine is not a good mixer,” said Masand. There are sophisticated urine and blood tests that can detect ketamine, but a standard urine drug test probably won’t pick it up, Masand said. The main difference between different methods of ketamine administration fentanyl patch is in the timing of the trip, said David Manjoubi, anesthesiologist and founder of Ketamine Healing Clinic of Los Angeles. Shots will come on more quickly and end more quickly than IVs, snorting will take longer than both, and oral administration takes the slowest to set in.

Coming Back to Real Life

There have also been studies showing that even the most resistant patients can benefit from ketamine, and that medium to long-term treatment is effective for many patients [12]. Although ketamine is not yet an approved what is ayahuasca FDA anxiety treatment, scientific trials have shown it may be effective in reducing anxiety. Scientists continue to investigate ketamine treatments for anxiety disorders and several other mental health conditions.

Is ketamine a Controlled Substance?

how does ketamine kill you

Serotonin drugs and ketamine may affect depression indirectly, without a serotonin or glutamate abnormality at the root of depression. Nestler also points out that depression probably includes a diversity of subtypes, without any single cause. He treats depression not as a unified disease, but a constellation of symptoms, each with discrete neural roots. A growing body of research suggests that ketamine and esketamine may rapidly reduce suicidal ideation in depressed subjects at risk for suicide [7,8,9,10,11].

how does ketamine kill you

What does ketamine do to your brain? 4 critical facts you need to know

But every new study builds on what we know, bringing us closer to a holistic picture of the neurobiology of depression and how to treat it. By comparing the brains of macaques when they were on the two drugs, researchers hoped to understand why ketamine has anesthetic properties similar to propofol, while still producing markedly different effects. Ketamine functionally blocks the gate, which prevents a potential case of acute ketamine withdrawal the signal from passing through it. This results in bursts of increases in glutamate levels in the brain, and these bursts are correlated with the dissociative states ketamine produces. Here are four critical questions (and answers) to help you get a better sense of what ketamine does to your brain, and how that could lead to new treatments for the stubborn condition that is depression.

Does ketamine show up on a drug test?

Street ketamine is usually sold as a white/beige crystalised powder and is sometimes cut with other powders to add weight and improve the dealer’s profits. People who regularly use ketamine sometimes inject it to get a bigger hit. Users often talk of taking a ‘bump’, meaning they snort a small amount of ketamine. Meanwhile, as serotonin falls far short of explaining depression, a more likely candidate is emerging. By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy & to receive electronic communications from Vice Media Group, which may include marketing promotions, advertisements and sponsored content.

Research suggests that though ketamine’s main action is in glutamate receptors, it needs opioid receptors to have its antidepressant effects, too. For psychiatrist Alan Shatzberg, MD, who did some of the research that uncovered this, that’s concerning. But after people with this particular problem receive ketamine, those nerve cell connections get restocked with new glutamate receptors.

  1. Ketamine can disrupt the senses, judgment, and motor function for up to 24 hours after use.
  2. “When we use it clinically, if somebody is in a room and there are whispered voices in another room or the other side of the building, you can clearly hear them,” Levine explained.
  3. As with any substance, getting ketamine on the street carries the risk that it’ll be cut with other substances.
  4. Ketamine’s key effect is to block glutamate receptors of one type.

Overdose and adverse effects of illegal ketamine use include nervousness, chest pain, seizures, and respiratory depression. Prolonged or repeated use can lead to psychiatric issues, including psychosis and flashbacks. Ketamine should only be used in a clinical setting under the supervision of a healthcare provider. Ketamine can have side effects, including changes in blood pressure. This drug may be contraindicated for you if your blood pressure is unstable. Before Spravato was approved in 2019, ketamine was prescribed off-label for the treatment of depression.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), for example, ease depression by increasing levels of serotonin, a chemical messenger carrying signals between brain cells. SSRIs block the reabsorption (reuptake) of serotonin, making it more available in the brain. Though they’re far from perfect treatments, ketamine and esketamine mark a breakthrough, as they’re the only fast-acting antidepressants available. Standard antidepressants generally take several weeks to provide relief. Although scientists are still researching ketamine for anxiety, some studies show it may be an effective treatment. Insurance disputes have prevented Winograd from getting a booster, even with the nasal spray, though he and his health care providers feel that he would benefit from it.

This article will also look into trusted treatments that can help overcome ketamine misuse. Before starting ketamine therapy, participants undergo a full medical and psychiatric evaluation to determine their eligibility for treatment. This includes screening for contraindications such as uncontrolled hypertension or certain cardiac conditions. Implementing rigorous screening protocols for other psychedelics can help identify individuals who may be at higher risk and ensure that only those who are deemed safe receive treatment. Ketamine and the old antidepressants both result in fuller neural “trees,” but by different routes, at different speeds.


bookkeepers software

Cloud computing revolutionized the accounting software space, offering users access to their data from any internet-connected device from any location. This is an important feature in the best accounting software for freelancers. The best accounting software offers easy ways to track your outstanding invoices and accounts receivable. For subscription pricing, expect to pay anywhere from $15 per month for a basic starter plan to $350 per month for a more advanced service plan. Other factors, like the included features and number of users, affect the monthly cost as well.

QuickBooks Online Enterprise:

Warp is a modern payroll, compliance, and benefits platform built for founders. Warp puts all state tax registrations and compliance on autopilot so you never need to login to another .gov website again. The last time you think about payroll and compliance will be the time you onboard to Warp. And, OnPay can estimate your payroll taxes, manage tax form filings, and even pay your taxes.

Zoho Books: Best for Scaling Businesses

Luckily, there are some great free accounting software options available to manage business finances. Let’s take a look at the seven top free accounting and bookkeeping software applications on the market. As a small business, you need accounting software that allows you to focus on your work without worrying about finances. That way you can dedicate your time doing quality work for existing clients and finding new clients to help your business grow instead of stressing about calculations and spreadsheets.

Accounting software

An expert can guide you through QBO setup and answer questions based on the information you provide; some bookkeeping services may not be included and determined by the expert. For more information about Expert Assisted, refer to the QuickBooks Terms of Service. When you work with Ignite Spot Accounting, you’ll get bookkeepers certified in a variety of popular programs, such as QuickBooks and TSheets. If you choose its chief financial officer (CFO) services, your CFO will be a certified public accountant (CPA) at a minimum. Its features include automation of tasks, Gusto payroll processing, balance sheet production, income statements, accuracy checks and transaction databases. In spite of its excellent reports and recurring invoices, though, FreshBooks falls short in a few bookkeeping areas.

Related reading

bookkeepers software

Learn the ins and outs of your expenses and save money for the future. Track, categorize, and send bills to your clients, all from one place. Let’s consider where they shine in terms of ease of use, features, and pricing. Connect seamlessly with your current apps to keep your business running smoothly.

bookkeepers software

QuickBooks Online Advanced

Our favorite QuickBooks Online features that we tested are its customizable dashboard, comprehensive reporting tools, and accountant and bookkeeper integrations. We collaborate with business-to-business vendors, connecting them with potential buyers. In some cases, we earn commissions when bank reconciliation statement definition sales are made through our referrals. These financial relationships support our content but do not dictate our recommendations. Our editorial team independently evaluates products based on thousands of hours of research. Learn more about our full process and see who our partners are here.

  1. A typical program covers topics like the basic principles of accounting, payroll, accounting software and becoming a certified bookkeeper.
  2. The ZipBooks free plan allows you to connect one bank account, while paid plans allow you to connect as many accounts as you wish.
  3. Once certified, you’ll receive a ProAdvisor badge and listing in the Find-a-ProAdvisor directory, which can help you attract new clients.
  4. It also offers benefits like excellent customer support and the ability to accept payments online.
  5. As part of that, we recommend products and services for their success.
  6. You can access Wave’s free accounting software either online or on the mobile app, and give your accountant easy access to your reports at year-end.

Stay updated on the latest products and services anytime anywhere. Liz Simmons has been writing for various online publications about career development, higher education and college affordability for nearly a decade. Her articles demystify the college application process and help prospective students figure out how to choose a major or career path. For example, if becoming a certified bookkeeper is your goal, look up the requirements to see if the certificate can help you reach your goals. The American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers (AIPB) and the National Association of Certified Public Bookkeepers (NACPB) both offer bookkeeper certifications.

Forbes Advisor’s education editors are committed to producing unbiased rankings and informative articles covering online colleges, tech bootcamps and career paths. Our ranking methodologies use data from the National Center for Education Statistics, education providers, and reputable educational and professional organizations. An advisory board of educators and other subject matter experts reviews and verifies our content to bring you trustworthy, up-to-date information. Access Xero features for 30 days, then decide which plan best suits your business. Many or all of the products featured here are from our partners who compensate us.

It also doesn’t have a comprehensive mobile application for its accounting features. Holded is a robust solution that offers accounting, invoicing, project, and inventory features — among several others. It lets you connect your bank, reconcile transactions, automatically classify entries, and manage it all in your ledger.

For example, all of your bank accounts are simply lumped together as “Cash.” You’ll have to run a trial balance report for meaningful data on getting the books balanced. In QBO, it’s very easy to add a payee or vendor right from the bank feed, and the software often remembers it for you the next time a similar transaction comes through. Sometimes, your data goes sour, and you can no longer reconcile the bank account.

bookkeepers software

Activate the accounting software’s default settings or customize your own terms and message. Plus, track your time on the job and collaborate with team members and clients with ease. It is an all in one accounting tool that manages your bookkeeping needs.

This makes grouping similar transactions together to batch-add extremely tedious, time-consuming, and frustrating. When you log in to Wave, there is no dashboard for multiple clients. Wave’s only answer to this problem is to add a journal entry for the balances when you start, which is terrible for current-year reporting if moving over mid-year.


gross vs net

Net income also includes any other types of income that a company earns, such as interest income from investments or income received from the sale of an asset. Gross income or gross profit represents the revenue remaining after the costs of production have been subtracted from revenue. Gross income provides insight into how effectively a company generates profit from its production process and sales initiatives. Lenders and financial institutions use net income information to assess a company’s creditworthiness and to make lending decisions.

Components of Gross Income

Depending on the industry, a company could have multiple sources of income besides revenue and various types of expenses. Some of those income sources or costs could be listed as separate line items on the income statement. The net income of a company, however, is the profit remaining after all operating costs (i.e. COGS + Opex) and non-operating costs (e.g. interest, income taxes) have been deducted. The net amount of something is what is left after subtracting certain items. Net income refers to the amount of money left after subtracting business expenses, taxes, and other items. Net income is most useful because it typically represents the true amount of something — the actual amount of money a business earns.

  • Some of the deductions to calculate the net pay include federal and state taxes, social security taxes and pre-tax benefits such as health insurance premiums, commuting costs etc.
  • For business owners, net income can provide insight into how profitable their company is and what business expenses to cut back on.
  • On the other hand, net income refers to your income after taxes and deductions are taken into account.
  • When you visit these sites, you are agreeing to all of their terms of use, including their privacy and security policies.

Understanding Take-Home Salary

They help determine the efficiency and profitability of a business. Profit margin can be expressed in terms of gross profit margin, operating profit margin, and net profit margin. Meanwhile, the bottom line refers to the net income, revealing the company’s overall financial health, including management efficiency and cost control. Comparing gross vs. net margins highlights the effects of operating expenses and other non-production costs on a company’s profit. Net income, sometimes referred to as net profit or net earnings, is the amount left over after all expenses and deductions have been subtracted from a company or individual’s gross income.

  • Revenue is the total amount earned from sales for a particular period, such as one quarter.
  • Allowances are discounts or reductions in the selling price of a product.
  • Taking the time to understand how to calculate them and the different ways they affect you can help you be better prepared at tax time—and lead to better decisions about your money management.
  • When managing business finances, owners and managers must total their sales over various periods, including weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually.
  • This is what you earn after subtracting “above-the-line” tax deductions from your gross income.

How does gross salary differ from net salary?

  • Your gross income is all of the payments you receive from clients or customers for the year before expenses.
  • If you have other sources of income, you’ll also add those to your total gross income before you subtract taxes and other deductions to get your total net income.
  • EBIT is important because it reflects a company’s profitability without the cost of debt or taxes, which would normally be included in net income.
  • In contrast, a company in the service industry would not have COGS, instead, their costs might be listed under operating expenses.

Logically then, the gross earnings on a paycheck are always higher than the net pay the eventually worker walks away with every month. One of the most-often thrown around discussion when it comes to finance is the difference between gross and net. Both figures can help assess businesses, allow businesses to reach their goals, and provide information to stakeholders to make informed decisions.

gross vs net

As far as a company is concerned, gross income refers to the income a company is left with, after deducting the cost of sales. Technically, net income is the income a company is entitled to after deducting cost of sales, selling, general & administrative expenses, depreciation, amortization, and taxes. Net income is useful for valuing businesses as it determines a company’s creditworthiness.

One important concept that comes up in several different areas of finance and in other contexts is net vs. gross amounts. In this article, we’ll take a look at the difference between these two terms and specifically what it means in reference to income. Both net and gross are ways to describe a person’s or company’s income. If you aren’t sure whether the number you are looking at represents net or gross pay, continue reading to learn more. There are also many instances of net items that appear in financial statements.

Since no deductions are taken into account for gross income, businesses can assess their accurate, actual sales. This can highlight patterns in sales, allowing the company to better its decisions and strategies. Gross income will almost always be higher than net income since gross profit has not accounted for various costs (e.g., taxes) and accounting charges (e.g., depreciation). Analysts must calculate that on their own, which will be the difference in total revenue ($5.04 billion) and the cost of sales ($2.90 billion), for a gross profit of $2.14 billion. In most cases, companies report gross profit and net income as part of their externally published financial statements.

In essence, net assets are the difference between what you own and what you owe. Net income is an important metric that investors use to assess a company’s profitability and growth potential. If a company does not have a positive net income, investors may not be interested. For example, a company might increase its gross profit while borrowing too much. The additional interest expense for servicing more debt could reduce net income despite the company’s successful sales and production efforts. Understanding the differences between gross profit and net income can help investors determine whether a company is earning a profit and, if not, where the company is losing money.


financial ratios list

There’s an entire list of financial ratios you can draw from to better tell the story of your business–all of them falling under one of five main categories. Financial ratios help in trend analysis by revealing patterns and changes in a company’s financial performance over multiple periods. By examining these trends, stakeholders can assess the company’s progress, identify potential issues, and make necessary adjustments to improve financial health and performance. Market ratios evaluate a company’s market performance, stock valuation, and investor sentiment. These ratios help stakeholders understand the market’s perception of the company’s financial position and growth potential. Solvency ratios assess a company’s long-term financial stability by examining its debt levels and equity financing.

Price-To-Earnings (P/E) Ratio

The company should sell some of this unproductive plant and equipment, keeping only what is absolutely necessary to produce their product. In both 2022 and 2023 for the company in our example, its only fixed charge is interest payments. So, the fixed charge coverage ratio and the times interest earned ratio would be exactly the same for each year for each ratio. Financial ratios can help you pick the best stocks for your portfolio and build your wealth. We’ve briefly highlighted six of the most common and the easiest to calculate. Called P/E for short, this ratio is used by investors to determine a stock’s potential for growth.

financial ratios list

Price-to-Earnings (P/E) Ratio

You should also compare a stock’s current PE with its average multiple over the past three, five or 10 years. If the current ratio is lower than the average, you may have spotted a bargain, assuming the company has growth potential. Here are ten financial ratios that can tell you most of what you need to know when you’re scouring the market for good stocks to buy. The average collection period is also about accounts receivable.

  • A good PE ratio varies by industry and by the investing climate.
  • Tesla and Paypal are two examples, with PE multiples of 50 and 36, respectively.
  • Bear in mind that different industries have substantially different P/E ratios.
  • However, when economic scenarios change such companies find themselves in financial distress.
  • This ratio explains how much more significant is the debt in comparison to equity.

Price-To-Book Value (PBV)

The times interest earned ratio is very low in 2022 but better in 2023. A receivables turnover of 14X in 2022 means that all accounts receivable are cleaned up (paid off) 14 times during the 2022 year. Look at 2022 and 2023 Sales in The Income Statement and Accounts Receivable in The Balance Sheet. Measure your company’s ability to pay off its current debt without raising extra capital.

financial ratios list

Do you own a business?

financial ratios list

There are two main components that use for calculating these ratios are liquid assets and liquid liability. The payables turnover ratio is calculated as the cost of goods sold divided by average accounts payable. This ratio measures the number of times a company pays its suppliers during a period, reflecting the company’s payment efficiency and management of short-term debt. The equity ratio is calculated as total equity divided by total assets.

Solvency Ratios:

Many “analysts” and “investors” are deceived by the use of the valuation ratios. Those ratios help us to have an understanding of how Mr. Market values a business. In addition, we have the human capital aspect that is also very difficult to assess. For such reason, valuation can be considered more of an art than a science. Indeed, valuing a company means assessing how much that is worth.

  • They have too much plant and equipment for their level of sales.
  • That means it has enough cash on hand to pay 20% of its current liabilities.
  • Measure your company’s ability to pay off its current debt without raising extra capital.
  • Financial ratios are typically divided into the classifications noted below.
  • By demonstrating what percentage of sales has turned into profits, your Profit Margin showcases the degree to which a business activity makes money.
  • A company’s debt ratio measures the relationship between its debts and its assets.

Thereby the current assets will be 4 or 5 times the current liabilities, mainly due to large inventories. In other words, the numbers provided by the liquidity ratios will be intersected with other metrics (such as profitability ratios and leverage ratios). Solvency Ratios are the group of financial ratios that analysts use to assess an entity’s ability to remain solvent for its operation. Auditors have also assessed this ratio to assess the entity going concerned. For example, the current assets ratio is used whether current assets could pay off current liability or not.

Application of Ratio Analysis

As Vice President, FP&A at Vena, Tom Seegmiller is responsible for strategic finance, including business partnering, budgeting and forecasting, with a focus on optimizing enterprise value. Tom is instrumental in the formulation of the financial narrative for the executive leadership team, investors and board members. Tom has always had a focus on driving enhanced business decisions through leveraging financial and operational data. He is an experienced finance executive, having most recently led the finance team at Miovision Technologies. Prior to that, he was in senior FP&A leadership roles at OpenText. Tom enjoys golfing, skiing, exercising and traveling in his spare time, but most importantly, he loves spending time with his wife and daughter.


ethereum alternatives

While technically, the currency is not called Ethereum, the term is often used interchangeably to describe both the network and the currency. For this reason and to not confuse any readers, we too use the term “Ethereum” interchangeably. The company is based out of New York, thus regulated by the New York State Department of Financial Services. Despite being around for less time than some competitors, they’ve quickly built a great reputation. Sensing an increase in demand for Ether, Coinbase added Ethereum support in 2016. Their Ethereum services now come with the same benefits as their original Bitcoin service.

  • Bitcoin Bitcoin , along with other major cryptocurrencies ethereum and XRP XRP , have rocketed higher this year (with a China earthquake potentially about to cause bitcoin price chaos).
  • This means anyone can copy and tweak the code and create their own new coin—which many entities do for various reasons.
  • A number of stablecoin bills have been introduced to Congress over the last few years but progress on the legislation has ground to a halt.
  • Numerous startups looking to help customers buy and sell cryptocurrencies have sprouted in response to the increased demand for cryptocurrencies.
  • The U.S. dollar decline comes as the Federal Reserve is gearing up to cut interest rates after a two-year war on inflation in the aftermath of historical Covid-era stimulus and money printing.
  • It’s a payment solution system for banks and other financial institutions that can use XRP as a global currency-a bridge between various fiat currencies.

Important Cryptocurrencies Other Than Bitcoin

ethereum alternatives

You can compare credit card fees between exchanges in the credit card section below. The downside to CEX.IO, compared to Coinbase, is its potential higher fees. Still, CEX.IO is a good option for users wanting to make large purchases with credit cards, or users in locations not supported by Coinbase. These exchanges also typically allow users to make purchases with debit and credit cards, in addition to bank wires/transfers. This first group of exchanges allows users to trade fiat currencies (USD, EUR, GBP, etc.) and cryptocurrencies on an open market.

ethereum alternatives

Which blockchains support smart contracts?

While these sites are typically thought of as the easiest ways for beginners to buy and sell Ethereum, they charge higher fees than Group A exchanges. This incredible growth in price, combined with a wider understanding of Ethereum’s potential, has many new investors looking to buy Ethereum. This risk is higher with Cryptocurrencies due to markets being decentralized and non-regulated. You should be aware that you may lose a significant portion of your portfolio.

What makes Solana a good Ethereum alternative?

Similar to the early days of the Internet, many projects will probably not exist in ten or more years. If no one uses them, then there’s no reason to keep their networks running. Smart contract platforms like Ethereum are dependent on their users and developers. Work on Cosmos began back in 2014, followed by the white paper in 2016 and the ICO in April 2017.

Anyone holding TRX can apply to become a Super Representative, someone with the authority and obligation to validate transactions and create new blocks for the blockchain. The cryptocurrency’s consensus mechanism is a tweaked version of Ethereum’s proof-of-stake called designated proof-of-stake (DPoS), where the network votes in the super reps. Avalanche stands out in the crowded field of with its developer-friendly platform for decentralized applications.

ethereum alternatives

ethereum alternatives

There are cryptocurrencies, such as Dohrnii, that can also be tokenized. Established in 2011, the company has built a solid reputation in the cryptocurrency community over the years. They do however seem to have more complaints about slow customer support than most of their competitors. Like CEX.IO, which also offers high credit card purchase limits, Coinmama has rather high fees.

  • This has resulted to liquidations worth over $130 million, further punishing its prospects.
  • CoinCentral’s owners, writers, and/or guest post authors may or may not have a vested interest in any of the above projects and businesses.
  • Chainlink is highly versatile and can be integrated with various Blockchain networks, making it a top choice for developers of DeFi and Smart Contracts.
  • Moreover, Polkadot supports NFTs and dApps, which remains interesting for crypto lovers.
  • With so many options to choose from, here are 3 of the most widely recommended and trusted beginner-friendly places to buy Ether.
  • Still, that could change in the future, experts like Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou recently believe.

Historical data supports Ethereum’s potential to enhance portfolio returns over a complete market cycle compared to a BTC-only strategy. Despite Bitcoin’s recent outperformance, Hougan advises caution that past performance does not guarantee future results. Recent developments have cleared the path for Ethereum’s potential adoption and increased valuation.

ethereum alternatives

There are also blockchain-based tokens that are meant to serve a different purpose from that of money. One example could be a token issued as part of an initial coin offering (ICO) that represents a stake in a blockchain or decentralized finance (DeFi) project. If the tokens are linked to the value of the company or project, they can be called security tokens (as in securities like stocks, not safety). Avalanche is a platform for creating blockchains and decentralized applications, NFT games, and other projects exploding in popularity.


accounting for medical practice

This software helps manage patient billing, track payments, and handle insurance claims, ensuring accurate and timely revenue collection. The cash basis is easier to implement, but it generates financial statements that poorly represent a medical accounting for medical practice practice’s profitability. Doctors often provide services and go without the corresponding revenues for months, if they ever receive them at all. The sheer complexity of medical practice accounting makes software essential for healthcare providers.

accounting for medical practice

Maintaining Paperwork and Records

When you stay on top of your books, you’ll have real-time insight into your practice’s finances and the information you need to make more informed business decisions. You need accounting software for your healthcare business that simplifies the bookkeeping process. That way, you can spend more time addressing the health needs of your patients and less time tied down to a desk. FreshBooks offers best-in-class accounting tools designed with your small business in mind, so you can ditch the complicated calculations and time-consuming spreadsheets.

accounting for medical practice

Support and Patient Advocacy

Cash basis accounting records revenue and expenses when cash is received or paid, providing simplicity but possibly an incomplete financial picture. Accrual accounting records revenue and expenses when they are earned or incurred, offering a more accurate representation of financial performance. Lower days in accounts receivable indicate a more efficient billing process and healthier cash flow. Patient care can be your main priority, but your medical practice is also a business.

Cash Flow Statement

accounting for medical practice

Understanding your medical practice’s financial statements is critical to evaluating the performance of your medical practice. Reading and analyzing financial statements may not have been something you anticipated to be in the job description, but obtaining these skills will lead to better decision-making for your practice. By building a team of trusted advisors that can help navigate you on the ins and outs of financial reporting, you are one step closer on your path to success.

  • This includes tracking all financial transactions, maintaining separate records for business and personal expenses, and regularly reconciling bank accounts.
  • A hospital provides a large number of disparate services, whereas a private practice may have only a handful of physicians within a single specialty.
  • Most healthcare providers use cash basis accounting to manage and track their financials.
  • As with depreciation accounting in other sectors, this process involves calculating the cost of the asset in question as well as its useful life.
  • HM&M is devoted to achieving total client satisfaction, providing a positive and supportive work environment, and earning a high degree of respect from our peers in our profession.

If patients aren’t paying you for your services, you won’t have enough cash to pay employees, cover other expenses, and take home profits. For those new to it, health care accounting can feel about as confusing and daunting as conducting an open heart surgery. Health care businesses and medical practices might struggle to keep up with the constant changes in regulations, rules, and laws that govern the industry.

  • I believe it’s best for specialty medical practices because it understands and caters to the distinct requirements of such operations, enabling these practices to improve financial management efficiency.
  • The gathering and reporting of financial data pertaining to healthcare procedures is the main emphasis of healthcare accounting.
  • Reviewing your medical office financial statements more often—preferably every month—helps you stay on top of cash flow and profitability.
  • CareCloud is a comprehensive medical accounting software that caters to the financial needs of healthcare institutions, delivering an integrated patient experience.
  • However, providers like hospitals often end up with numerous outstanding checks due to recipients who have died or moved.
  • MedEvolve offers a flexible pricing model which starts at $250 per provider per month, providing a reasonable solution for practices of all sizes.
  • Balancing the demands of health insurance procedures and regulatory compliance can be challenging for medical practices.

Because insurance plans vary so much, it’s also important to fully comprehend the various coverage rules in order to guarantee appropriate invoicing. For example, variable analysis is one great way to identify extraneous expenses and improve your overall profitability. It involves creating budgets for your expected costs, comparing them to your actual numbers, and investigating the differences. Fortunately, you don’t need to hire full-time workers for all your accounting functions.

  • There are several different structures for medical practices, such as private practices, group practices, and hospital-based services.
  • I picked Striven because it presents a comprehensive solution to medical practice management.
  • Physicians usually aren’t accounting experts, and it’s easy to make a mess of your books and overlook tax planning strategies that can save you money.
  • Effective RCM ensures that the practice gets paid for its services in a timely manner, improving cash flow and financial stability.
  • This attribute sets Kareo apart from other tools and makes it an ideal candidate for practices wanting to streamline their operations.

Healthcare and social services organizations have specialized needs when it comes to accounting. Not only do they need to keep accurate financial records, but they have rigorous compliance standards to maintain to be in keeping with the numerous laws regarding the safety and privacy of patient data. The income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement are essential financial statements generated from the maintained books. These statements enable in-depth analysis of the business’s profitability, health, and operations. This guide explores the fundamental bookkeeping principles that every medical practice needs to implement. Whether you currently outsource your accounting needs or handle finances in-house, this article will equip you with strategies to improve your medical practice’s financial health.

Accounting for Medical Practices: Everything You Need to Know


The Controlled Substances Act (CSA) is a law that regulates legal and illegal drugs in the United States. Under the CSA, drugs are categorized into different “schedules” according to a drug’s perceived danger and potential for dependence. For example, heroin is classified as a Schedule I drug because of its illegal status and extremely addictive qualities.

drug and alcohol addiction

NIDA Research Programs & Activities

  • Usually for a substantial fee, career transition services help executive and higher-up employees define career goals and help with job searches.
  • While the initial reason some take a drug is most often a conscious decision, continued and repeated abuse of a drug usually becomes less about personal choice.
  • Identify other factors in your life—relationships, work—that can help take the focus off addictive behaviors.
  • It is often a long and bumpy path, and relapse is nearly inevitable—but that doesn’t spell the end of recovery.

Evidence of substantial heterogeneity in baclofen pharmacokinetics among different individuals with alcohol use disorder (41) could explain the variability in the efficacy of baclofen across studies. The appropriate dose of baclofen for use in treatment of alcohol use disorder remains a controversial topic, and a recent international consensus statement highlighted the importance of tailoring doses based on safety, tolerability, and efficacy (40). New directions for behavioral treatment development include a greater focus on identifying effective elements of behavioral treatments and on the components of treatment that are most critical for successful behavior change (89, 113). Studies investigating the effects of specific treatment components are critical for refining treatment protocols to more efficiently target the symptoms of alcohol use disorder.

Does relapse to drug use mean treatment has failed?

drug and alcohol addiction

There are some friends who are better left behind—those who are linked to the addictive experience. People in the throes of addiction are not capable of the best form of friendship. Further, those friends can serve as a cue that sets off drug craving and challenges the recovery process. Guilt refers to feels of responsibility or remorse for actions that negatively affect others; shame relates to deeply painful feelings of self-unworthiness, reflecting the belief that one is inherently flawed in some way. Shame is an especially powerful negative feeling that can both invite addiction in the first place and result from it. It gets in the way of recovery, self-acceptance, and accessing help when needed.

drug and alcohol addiction

Risks of Substance Misuse

  • A person may take a stimulant such as Adderall, for example, to counteract the sedative effects of an opioid, such as oxycodone.
  • Diagnosing drug addiction (substance use disorder) requires a thorough evaluation and often includes an assessment by a psychiatrist, a psychologist, or a licensed alcohol and drug counselor.
  • The following is a breakdown of some of the most common reasons people may turn to substance abuse.

These drugs also have a high potential for abuse; this may or may not be due to addictive properties. Drugs that are considered “gateway drugs” (that is, substances that are often precursors to abuse of other, possibly more dangerous drugs) or deemed a public health risk may also be listed under Schedule I. Non-sanctioned/non-medical/non-prescribed use of these controlled substances is considered drug abuse. For some mental health, drug, or alcohol disorders, there are medications that can help improve your symptoms. These medicines have to be prescribed by a doctor, nurse practitioner, or physician’s assistant.

drug and alcohol addiction

U.S. Food and Drug Administration–approved pharmacological treatments

Substance Abuse Statistics

What Are the Types of Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder?

  • If one of our articles is marked with a ‘reviewed for accuracy and expertise’ badge, it indicates that one or more members of our team of doctors and clinicians have reviewed the article further to ensure accuracy.
  • A health care provider might ask the following questions to assess a person’s symptoms.
  • A practice known as “urge-surfing” rests on the understanding that urges are impulses connected to old habits and they pass in 15 or 20 minutes, during which time it is possible to take a mental step back from them and mindfully observe them without giving in to them.
  • Only 1.0 percent of people receive substance abuse treatment as an inpatient or outpatient at a specialty facility.

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